
Although baking in the kitchen was something I enjoyed doing with my mom growing up, it wasn’t until I left for college that I had my “aha!” moment. I realized baking was such a creative outlet for me and I haven’t stopped since. Most days I operate on the self-taught, trial-and-error, don’t-use-recipes method.

I graduated from the University of South Carolina where I met my husband, Nic. Among many other things, Nic makes the perfect teammate because when it comes to baking he is the assistant I never knew I needed. He has been known to ice a few cookies, taste-test the batter, and build cupcake transportation carriers. We have two precious little boys, Davis, who was born November 2020, and Lee, who was born August 2022.

For my “real job” I work as a registered nurse. There are few things that bring me more joy than cute little old people at the hospital. Sometimes my worlds collide and I get to bring sweet treats to the hospital and that pretty much sums up my dream job.

My prayer is that each sweet treat is special, pretty, and fun just for you!